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Iron Filters for Well Water

rusty well water in bathtub

Is your water rusty, smelly, or both?  An Iron Filter for Well Water may be the most important protection you can add for your home or business.

Iron Filters are not “one size fits all”.  Our custom Iron Filter Systems treat a range of Minnesota well water problems including:

Premier Water is your local Iron Filter expert in the Twin Cities.  From small Whole House Iron Filters, up to commercial systems that filter almost 1,000 gallons per minute.  We have 30+ years of experience you can trust!

Iron Curtain Filter

Iron Curtain Filter

The Iron Curtain Filter System uses natural oxygen is to remove Iron and Hydrogen Sulfide.  Systems with chlorine injection and custom filter media also remove Iron Bacteria and Manganese. The Iron Curtain is a great choice to protect your home, irrigation, or both!

Iron Curtain Storm

Ozone Iron Filter

This powerful Whole House Iron Filter uses ozone as a powerful oxidant. Iron and odor are easily removed – without chemicals! Low maintenance and high performance make our Ozone Iron Filters a great choice for many families in Minnesota.

Iron Curtain Junior

Iron Curtain Junior

This is the Iron Curtain System’s little brother. It has a smaller footprint and lower cost – but you still get great filtration! This Iron Filter is ideal for low to moderate levels of Iron and lower water use. It should not be used with water containing Iron Bacteria.

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