(952) 767-0230 - Local Minnesota Service - FREE Consultations!

There has been quite a bit of press about the poor quality of water that Burnsville residents have been dealing with.

We installed a Hague RO3500 reverse osmosis system for a client several months ago – before the water quality problems were being highly publicized.

Hague Reverse Osmosis

Our clients receive a free quality control check after installation as part of our routine service. During our review our client said:

“We are only drinking the water from our system, and have not noticed the bad taste everyone else is talking about.”

The Hague RO3500 was a good choice for this application because of the special “Prolonged Contact Filter” that improves adsorption of organic matter. This filter combined with an NSF certified membrane provide a nice alternative to smelly, distasteful tap water. Read more about the Hague Reverse Osmosis System.

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